There are additional module designs available that you can control by entering a correct suffix name as a module parameter.
If you need to mix suffixes then separate classes with some space.
1. Available module designs.
2. Use the suffix for DJ-Mediatols (Slider and Modern Slider) module if you want to get the following view. Otherwise the module will use the default css styles.
Suffix name: header-ms
3. Use the suffix for Custom HTML module if you want to get the following view.
Suffix name: promo1-ms / promo2-ms / promo3-ms / promo4-ms
Optionally: animate-ms
4. Use the suffix for search module if you want to get the following view.
Suffix name: search-ms
5. Use the suffix for JM Additional Features module if you want to get the following view. Otherwise the module will use the default css styles.
Suffix name: style2-ms
Optionally: color1-ms / color2-ms / color3-ms / color4-ms / color5-ms
6. Use the suffix for DJ-Events Calendar (month table) module if you want to get the following view. Otherwise the module will use the default css styles.
Suffix name: big-callendar-ms
7. Use the suffix for module if you want to remove default bottom margin.
Suffix name: margin-ms
8. Additional and very useful suffix to make your modules height the same.
You just have to put a suffix at a module configuration to get the specified module height.
See here the screenshot:
_mod300 means that your module will be of 300 pixels high.