Assign modules on offcanvas module position to make them visible in the sidebar.

Loading Theme Customizer. Please wait...

Live the adventure

Vestibulum a blandit a, blandit eu, iaculis in, vulputate risus pede, at ante.

Feel wildlife

Mauris imperdiet faucibus ipsum aliquet lacinia ut, metus. Nulla interdum eu, commodo magna.

Explore your possibilities

Ut sagittis et, bibendum metus wisi, eget velit. Cras turpis ut justo fringilla mauris.


Etiam non metus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos.

Previous Next Play Pause

You can make your Joomla! website unavailable to visitors until selected date. To enable this option login to Administrator back-end.

1. Click the Extensions → Template Manager → JM-Template-Name → Basic Settings menu item

2. Find field Coming Soon and click Enable button.

3. Next set date in filed Coming Soon Date.

Click the Save button to implement the new settings.

Title and description you can change in Extensions → Module Manager. Find module Our site is coming soon on position coming-soon. You can also publish different type of module if you like.

Coming Soon page can be easily customised in file - /templates/jm-template-name/tpl/comingsoon.php

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  • Donec ut elit maximus
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See what a difference a stay makes.
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Business Theme

JM Services

Culinary Theme

JM Services

Dental Theme

JM Services

Home page - you can disable this part for menu item in Extensions -> Template Manager -> JM-Template -> Basic Settings -> Disable component.

There are additional module designs available that you can control by entering a correct suffix name as a module parameter.
If you need to mix suffixes then separate classes with some space.


1. Available module designs


Module Suffixes


2. Use the following suffixes for DJ-Mediatools module if you want to get the following view for module. Otherwise a module will use the default css styles.


Suffix name: header-ms



3. Use the following suffixes for DJ-Mediatools module if you want to get the following view for module. Otherwise a module will use the default css styles.


Suffix name: grid-ms



4. Use the following suffixes for DJ-Tabs module if you want to get the following view for module. Otherwise a module will use the default css styles.


Suffix name: side-tabs-left-ms and side-tabs-right-ms



5. Use the suffix for module to reduce space below module.

Suffix name: margin-ms

6. Additional and very useful suffix to make your modules height the same.
You just have to put a suffix at a module configuration to get the specified module height.

See here the screenshot:


_mod300 means that your module will be of 300 pixels high.

hot air ballooning

Aliquam feugiat ac, eleifend nunc vel risus. Morbi hendrerit. Maecenas quis orci nam nunc felis.


Maecenas bibendum sapien vitae dui eget dui quis lorem. In urn sauspendisse orci et magnis dis.

volcanic & geothermal

Aliquam feugiat ac, eleifend nunc vel risus. Morbi hendrerit. Maecenas quis orci. 

horse riding

Nullam sapien. Morbi quam ante vitae facilisis sodales. Vivamus semper eu, iaculis suscipit.

scenic flights

Nulla hendrerit risus. Fusce iaculis, purus laoreet vel, ipsum eget lectus vestibulum sed.

zip lining

Aliquam id wisi vel tortor. Vestibulum vitae mi. Fusce ullamcorper ligula lorem non augue.